Kingdom Confession

I am a Kingdom Citizen and a Kingdom Representative.  I represent a Kingdom called Heaven.

I am in this world but I’m not from this world.  I have what my country has and I can do what my country people do.  I have favor with God and man.

All That I have belongs to the Kingdom.  My country promised me that whatever I set my hands to do this week it’s going to prosper.

My government promised me that whatever I say shall come to pass.  My government promised me that I would never be forsaken.

I will never beg bread because I am a seed of my King.  My government said I would walk, ride, run and leap over every obstacle.

My government said that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and My government said that every tongue that rises against me in judgment shall be condemned.

My government said that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, Every sickness and every disease is leaving now, in the name Lord Jesus!    

I belong to the government of God.  Everywhere I go this week I have personal security.  Goodness and Mercy shall follow me.  I am secure – I am safe – I am protected.

Everything that the government promised me I claim it right now!

  Now, I Intentionally Believe Every Word I have Spoken! – I accept them as if they are already done – In Jesus’ Name!

  Tuition Paid – Bills Paid Off – Mortgages Paid Off – Refrigerator full – School Finished – Degrees Accomplished – Body Healed – Life Full!  I am and shall never experience lack!

I Have More Than Enough.  Children Secure – Bones Healed – Blood Condition Normal –  Business Booming – Books Selling!

God, I Thank You!   Now, According To My Faith Be It Unto Me, In Jesus’ Name!

I’m so glad to be a Child of the King!

~ Your Royal Brother Rickey E. Macklin

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