‘Is this not the carpenter?’ (Mark 6:3)

The problem with this is that they completely missed who Jesus truly was.  It’s funny sometimes how the people who are the closest to you have no real idea who you are.  In Jesus’ hometown, that was exactly the case. They focused their attention on His trade and missed His assignment.  I want to encourage you today who may be simply working your “9 to 5” not to allow people to keep you in their boxes. You have been called to a vocation and not simply an “occupation.”

Occupation: Denotes what you do to take care of your daily needs!
Vocation: Denotes what you’ve been called by God to do that will bring Him glory!

If people only see you as – the janitor, computer tech, school teacher, that guy that mows the lawn, the babysitter or the mechanic – that’s fine.  In God’s timing, your assignment will astound all of them.

It is true that Jesus was a carpenter, but what they didn’t realize was that He was so much more.  He was the greatest historic figure that would ever grace this planet.  When he spoke, those that came to arrest Him went back with this report.

John 7:45 ,46 Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought him?  The officers answered, Never man spake like this man.

Jesus’ speaking astounded these fellows and so will your assignment!  I encourage you today to continue to work you occupation until God releases you into your vocation – at that time he will amaze your spectators and your enemies too.   There’s a great treasure in you!

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