God Made You Relevant

You’re trying to BE relevant by fitting in with the mood of the crowd and the next flow of our culture. So, you do what they do, go where they go, listen to what they listen to, wear what they wear, and talk their lingo. In many cases, to be accepted and to have significance – somehow forgetting that, as a believer, our significance is in Christ.

Listen, I’m not saying you shouldn’t understand the times (1 Chronicles 12:32). That’s a wise thing. However, what you need to know is, you are ALREADY relevant. God made you relevant!

He knew what dispensation and generation He was dropping you in. And God ordained your sphere of influence!

Should you improve and grow? Yes. Yet still, the most relevant thing you can do the rest of your life is to BE you!

No one else can be more relevant than that!

Rickey E. Macklin


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