Iron Sharpens Iron

(Excerpts from Day Five of 6 Points to Optimizing Your Life – R. Macklin) Every person you allow in your life should be in it to help develop you in God’s calling. When time permits, please take a good look at these people and determine—by the help of the Holy Spirit—...

Apple of His Eye

… Truly, one who touches you touches the apple of my eye.”  [Zechariah 2:8]  Have you ever heard the phrase “Chip off the old block?  This idiom dates as far back as 270 B.C.  The analogy refers to a chip of stone or wood that closely resembles the larger block it was...

Flipping The Switches

As I write this article, I write it because I have some news to share with you!  I just want you to know that I’m coming out of the closet and flipping the switches!  Perhaps that should be the title of my next book!  Or perhaps I could entitle it, “Run and Tell...

Swing The Bat

Hey Folks!   You know how sometimes things can be going super fantastic in your life AND then life throws you a “curve ball” (something unexpected happens)?   Yes, tragedy, hard times and the unexpected happens to all of us at times.   Listen, some things...