Fear Not Little Flock

Fear Not Little Flock

FEAR NOT LITTLE FLOCK By Elder Charles Ellerbe   Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32) In this day and age, when it seems that “everything goes,” you may feel that you are standing alone for the...
Wake Up Church

Wake Up Church

Wake Up Church   Standing up for what’s right, especially in the times we are in, is not going to be easy. The enemy has intentionally blurred the line between right and wrong (1 Timothy 4:1) (2 Peter 2:1-2). Deception is pervasive, especially in the ministry.  It has...
Believer’s Word

Believer’s Word

Believer’s Word When you take a righteous stand, you’re going to upset a number people.  Now, watch this – when you do, your enemies will first try and discredit what you’re saying and what you believe.  When that doesn’t work, they will do their best to discredit...
Vocation Over Occupation

Vocation Over Occupation

‘Is this not the carpenter?’ (Mark 6:3) The problem with this is that they completely missed who Jesus truly was.  It’s funny sometimes how the people who are the closest to you have no real idea who you are.  In Jesus’ hometown, that was exactly the case. They...
Its In You

Its In You

Listen, you were born who you are and there is nothing you can do to change that. Good! God wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s important that you understand that who you are, was designed by Him. It’s your responsibility to develop that person and bring...