Keep your name; Keep My name

Guest Blogger:  Imani Payne

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” –Proverbs 22:1

Have you ever worked for a company that told you to treat it as if it were your very own?  They may require you to take off your name tag or uniform shirt when you leave the facility.  If you use social media and put your job information on Facebook, they may ask that you not post anything that the company would not approve of.  They tell you that you’re the face of the company. You are a brand ambassador, a walking advertisement, and a point of contact outside of your work shift.

When a KFC worker’s video went viral of them dancing behind the counter and dropping a bun on the floor, people did not see a couple of high school teens goofing off at work. People saw what KFC represented as a company.  This holds true for believers in Christ too.  As we Christians go out into the world, although we are in the world, we cannot be of the world. In the book of Romans chapter 12 verse 2, the Apostle Paul said, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”  

When we look like Jesus in His likeness and image, we stand out in the world. It becomes clear to others that we don’t “belong” in certain environments.  Peers going to clubs, happy hours, or bars should not feel comfortable inviting us to come along. These people should not feel comfortable cursing or gossiping around us either. The only way they will is if we create an environment comfortable enough for them to do these things.

“When God is calling you to something, He is also calling you away from something.” –Cornelius Lindsey

As the scripture says, I also want to encourage you to be the light and salt of the earth.  Some people may only get one opportunity to encounter Jesus.  Let God place you in the right place at the right time. You are to be an example of what the Kingdom of God is all about. You are a partner with Christ. You are seated with Him in heavenly places. You are a royal priesthood. You are an heir to the throne of Grace.  And believe it or not, people are looking up to you. Do not lose your witness by acting of this world.  Yes, our reputation belongs to God, but let’s not tarnish it by acting foolishly.

“I like your Christ. But I don’t like your Christians.” –Mahatma Gandhi

 The Grannie Test is a Millennial rule.  Before you post a comment, picture, or video online, think about if it would be appropriate to show with an elder. If your answer is maybe, then that means NO!

As believers, we are brand ambassadors for Christ Jesus in the physical realm.  We must represent Him well.  We are called to win souls for Jesus. So be mindful of your actions, words, and of course social media.


Check Imani out @ Running errands for GOD 


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