(Excerpts from Day Five of 6 Points to Optimizing Your Life – R. Macklin)

Every person you allow in your life should be in it to help develop you in God’s calling. When time permits, please take a good look at these people and determine—by the help of the Holy Spirit— where each one of them fit.

If they are your friends, then they are your accountability partners. These are people you know well and regard with affection and trust. With them, you can become uninhibited in sharing your dreams and aspirations. Will they laugh with you? Yes. Will they cry with you? Yes. Will they rejoice with you? Unquestionably! It’s a wonderful thing to know that you have those in your corner, whose only agenda is to ensure you get to where you are trying to go in life. They will sharpen you like iron sharpens iron. Choose them wisely. They’re in your life to help you become the best.

If they are your mentors, they are in your life to serve you as a teacher or a trusted counselor. They are not in your life to be your friend. My point is simply this. Don’t be offended when your mentor doesn’t act like a friend. They’re not supposed to because they are not your friend. If God has sent them, please know that they are on assignment and should have already been given a peek into your purpose. When they accept this call, it comes with a responsibility. They are there to assist in leading and guiding you towards your destiny. Clearly, these people have attained some level of success that you are trying to achieve, so there is no need to try and re-invent the wheel. Rather, create your own design of the wheel that this world has not seen—from their model. Learn from your mentors but be your- self and watch God multiply the works of your hand as He did with Elisha!

If they are your protégé, they are your assignment. They have been entrusted to you to receive some level of support and protection. You are in their lives to help ensure they fulfill their purpose through sound instructions and wisdom. We all know there are a gazillion distractions the enemy will send their way, but you are there to help recognize and fight off the attacks and cover them in route. Show them the way without reservation or hesitation. Be the role model you may not have ever had and trust that the seeds you sow will impact generations to come.

You want to Optimize Your Life? You want to be the BEST You? This is the place to start—Relationships. Remember, you have not been called to go it alone. Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto!

With a friend -
 be an example.  With a mentor – 
follow the example.  With a protégé -
 set an example.

Every man needs another man and every son needs a father figure.

Here’s what I want you to do next …

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Preparing You To Live Victorious!

Your Brother-in-Christ


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